First Aid

Looking after yourself and your loved ones is important.

These first aid products are here to help.
Accidents that cause bruises, bumps, cuts and wounds are going to happen, and we have a selection of products that may help to heal and protect the body.
From babies, children, to adults, there is something for everyone.

Help heal that body, and get back to the things you love - naturally.


Always use and take as directed. If symptoms persist, consult your healthcare professional.

Photo: BioStrath


First Aid

First Aid

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  • - Weleda Arnica 6x 30ml liquid

    Sku: 2222
    Weleda Arnica 6x Drops Oral Liquid 30ml   Relieves and helps heal bruising, pain and swelling of strained and sprained tissue and muscles after injury or surgery. Improves recovery after...
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    Sku: 2222
    Availability: In Stock
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  • - Weleda Arnica 6x Oral Spray 30ml

    Sku: 8865
      Supports the body's natural healing response to bruising, pain and swelling of strained and sprained tissue and muscles after injury or surgery. Improves recovery after sport. Boost recovery with...
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    Sku: 8865
    Availability: In Stock
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  • - Weleda Burns & Bites Cooling Gel

    Sku: 1558
     A cooling herbal medicine for the family First Aid Kit to relieve pain and promote healing of minor burns, scalds, and sunburn.  Soothes and relieves itchy insect bites, stings, and...
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    Sku: 1558
    Availability: In Stock
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  • - Millstream Comfrey & Calendula Ointment 60ml

    Sku: 7739
    A traditional remedy, renowned for its healing properties. Use on cuts, scrapes, bruises and bone injuries. A valuable “First Aid” cream, aids healing and helps to take the “sting” out...
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    Sku: 7739
    Availability: In Stock
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  • - Millstream Kawakawa Healing Balm 60ml

    Sku: 8201
    Traditionally used for soothing insect bites and stings, skin rashes, poor circulation, bruises, wounds, burns, aches and pains.   Kawakawa (Macropiper excelsum) is known as the “Pharmacy of the Forest”....
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    Sku: 8201
    Availability: In Stock
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  • - Millstream Splinter Drawing Cream

    Sku: 7958
    This brew contains herbs traditionally used to draw out persistent splinters. Break skin with a needle, then apply a little cream on a sticking plaster. Leave overnight or longer to...
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    Sku: 7958
    Availability: In Stock
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  • - Quartz Drawing Paste 30ml

    Sku: 5553
    Weleda Quartz Drawing Paste can be used to draw (clean) any infected wound, example. boils, abscesses, splinters. Ingredients: Each 1gm Contains: Liquid dried into powder:   Tinc equiv fresh juice; Calendula...
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    Sku: 5553
    Availability: In Stock
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  • - Native Neem Organic Neem Cream 50gm

    Sku: 2844
    Green Trading Organic Neem Cream Usage: Apply as often as necessary.  Good as a daily cream for all type of skin.  helpful for soothing your eczema or other skin related...
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    Sku: 2844
    Availability: In Stock
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  • *Naturopharm Allermed Gel 50g
    Sold Out

    - *Naturopharm Allermed Gel 50g

    Sku: 3756
    Allermed Relief Gel is a Naturo Pharm branded Relief range product that supports the natural immune response to allergens from foods, plants, clothing, chemicals and insect bites and stings. Has soothing properties.  It is...
    Sku: 3756
    Availability: Out Of Stock

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  • - Naturopharm Arnica Plus Cream 100g

    Sku: 5605
    Arnica plus Cream is a Naturo Pharm Classical plus product that assists rapid response to bruising, fatigue, injury, shock and trauma and aids natural muscle recovery after strenuous exercise or exertion....
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    Sku: 5605
    Availability: In Stock
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  • - Naturopharm Arnica Plus oral Spray 25ml

    Sku: 5897
    The homoeopathic remedy Arnica Montana is made from the herb commonly known as Leopards Bane. Naturo Pharm's Arnica plus is manufactured using a mixture of carefully selected potencies (called a...
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    Sku: 5897
    Availability: In Stock
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  • - Naturopharm Lampona Cylindrata White-tailed Spider 30c spray

    Sku: 3313
    Naturo Pharms homeopathic remedy Lampona Cylindrata 30c has been manufactured from the White Tailed Spider itself.  The remedy can be taken to support the body's response to a White Tailed...
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    Sku: 3313
    Availability: In Stock
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  • - Inseason Calendula & Hypercium Lotion Spray 100ml

    Sku: 10783
    May be used by people experiencing the following: Traditionally assists with healing wounds, reducing pain and inflammation. C & H Lotion contains: Calendula Hypericum C& Lotion combines well with: Internally Immune...
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    Sku: 10783
    Availability: In Stock
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