I have been working overseas in the well-being field for 30 years as a Global practitioner (specializing in Asian philosophy and holistic energy balancing), and I have now returned home to New Zealand where I am able to share the wealth of experience and wisdom I have gathered. By bringing the east to the west, I live every moment with total awareness of energy and how this affects or lives. We are energy, and many of us feel the deep need to reconnect and harmonize, but lack the tools and clarity to move towards real healing and change.
“When we understand how energy helps us get what we want in life, be what we want in life and ‘control’ what we want in life, we are living our lives to our highest potential”.
Please call or email me directly, to make an appointment.
Who I am and how I can help you
I am a Wellness coach and energy balancer. My work is vast and I work in many different ways, offering treatments and also courses and workshops
I have created many healing treatments which resonate on a deep energetic level using high quality essential oils which have their own vibrational energy to help bring you into alignment. I use immune boosting techniques and other synergistic methods individually designed for the client’s vibration and needs.
Well Being Mentoring
One on one Coaching at its Best. Let’s get to the Core of it. Uncover blockages and repetitive patterns keeping you from your true self. Create your vision and actively plan to Manifest your goals. – 60 minutes
Meditation and Mind Training – The MIND DETOX
To be mindful and to meditate is having the awareness of present moment. In other words, The ART OF BEING PRESENT. Mindfulness is the practice of life, bringing benefits to us and to those around us by cultivating a sense of calm, relaxation, self-esteem and self-acceptance. It increases our working memory and ability to plan and organize. It increases the quality of our sleep and our ability to orient our attention. You will taken through exercises to create your own practice. – 45 minutes
Journey of the Soul
Empowering- Transformational – Enlightening
A comprehensive treatment that helps the individual gain a greater understanding of themselves and acquire the tools needed to move forward in their lives. The goal is to empower the person on all levels and to create a unique programme which may include breathing techniques, affirmations, and morning and evening mindfulness practices. We will discuss the Ancient teachings about balancing the Four Bodies: The Mind, the Emotions, the Physical, and the Spiritual. You will uncover and shed old patterns in order to achieve a greater understanding and awareness of yourself. Then you will receive chakra / meridian healing to help you to cleanse and release unnecessary vibrations, a Third Eye Awakening anointing, and Body Metamorphosis work to uplift and enlighten you. This holistic approach aids in nurturing insights that allow you to ascend to a higher level of well being. – 90 minutes ; first appointment
Body Metamorphosis
A developed signature Meridian energy treatment that blends Nervous System Therapy into a great soothing AHHHH feeling. Using light touch and body listening, trapped emotions and energy blocks that have been held from life’s challenges are released. Body Metamorphosis is a combination of many modalities that removes stagnant, dis-eased energy and creates harmony and flow. Just walk in, lie down, and by the time you walk out, you will feel so Light and centered, and everything will be in Perfect Perspective. 50 minutes
Third Eye Awakener
My signature treatment of pure bliss takes you on a journey within yourself. Using light touch, the Third Eye is gently anointed using sacred oils. This act encourages the awakening of your Third Eye, the “All Knowing Eye”, as well as gentle left and right brain balancing, which is excellent for trauma. You will experience a direct connection to your higher self as you connect with your natural intuition. – 20 minutes
Crystal Rainbow Energy Healing
This beautiful treatment combines the high frequency of Crystals, the power of Colour, and the Rainbow Energy Healing Symbols. The Rainbow Symbols are an ancient Language from the Earth, used in conjunction with the colour whose vibration is healing for the individual’s unique needs. Additionally, each Crystal has a specific purpose; they magnify that particular gift and lift our vibration. By running these symbols, colours, and crystals through your physical and auric fields, you may experience very colourful flying sensations running through the body. – 45 minutes
Communication through Angels
Sometimes we are looking for guidance and confirmation for a specific question. This session is about getting the Clarity you are seeking. We will look at a Card layout of Angels and Animals. I will receive messages from the Universe and your Higher Self to assist you. – 60 minutes
Intuitive Astrology
The foundation of this session is to understand the life lessons and our inherent strengths and weaknesses through a deep intuitive approach to what many consider a science. I offer guidance in relationships with family and career and what we are here to teach each other. This benefits families and partnerships by fostering a fuller knowledge and therefore greater acceptance. It helps parents to guide children in the direction which enhances their talents and gifts and offer alternatives when faced with resistance. Please inform me of your exact time and place of birth when booking so that I may draw up a chart to be ready on the day.
– 60 minutes
1/2 hour $90
1 hour $150
1 1/2 $200
1 hour $120
1/2 hour $70
fb page – Intention
Instagram – myheartintention