Global Soap - a peak behind the scene

By Monica van de Weerd

A Peek Behind the Scenes


Behind the scenes at Global Soap - our retail space is a kaleidoscope of colour and the beautiful aromas envelop you once you step in the door. We love the reactions of first time visitors as they experience the sensory delights.




Behind our retail shop is where all the magic action happens and here is a glimpse into a typical soap making session. As soon as the oils and lye temperatures are at optimal levels, it's go time and we're ready to soap!


While the oils and lye are mixing, it's time to add textures and scents. Here we're making a batch of Citrus Mint Soap and are adding essential oils of Grapefruit, Lemon and Spearmint and a good dollop of oatmeal for the scrub element.



With the soap batter whipped and stirred until the perfect consistency, we then pour into the appropriate mould. The silver paddle helps spread out the pour and reduce air bubbles.


The final step before washing down the soap kitchen is to wrap the moulds with insulation jackets and lids. A chemical reaction called saponification occurs naturally over the next 24 hours and the jackets are designed to evenly reflect the heat back on all sides for a better conversion of oils to soap and glycerin. Once the moulds are unwrapped, we leave for a further 24 hours (48 hours for shampoo bars) before cutting. While saponification is finished, they are still warm, particularly in the middle, and it needs to harden a little more to ensure our cutter frames do their job properly. 



Cutting the soap loaves into bars and polishing them up by hand. LOVE LOVE LOVE handmade soap!

SOURCE: Global Soaps NZ

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