We’d like to kick off this blog by sharing how thankful we are for you!. Thank you for being part of our Supercharged community. It means the world to us and drives us to keep providing good gut news, health and tips.
Actually being thankful is a great theme for this article! Being thankful for our friends, family, and our bodies.. There’s plenty more to be thankful for but if you consider these you are off to a great start.

Thank Full
A good practice is to regularly do a kind of inventory of all the things you're grateful for. Make a list - a written one or a mental one. And have a thought or two for why you feel the gratitude.
From a body perspective, we can be thankful even if our health is compromised. It’s actually therapeutic to think positively when things aren’t going so well. We are not dismissive of the health condition you may have, but we also acknowledge all the good parts of your body and what they can do for you. We can also be grateful for the people and nutrition that help us to be our most vibrant selves.

Gut Full
Had a gut full?!?
As a gut-specific blog it’s not strange (we hope) that we’re thankful to our guts. This magnificent organ does so much work for every part of our body including our mind and feelings..
At Supercharged we’re especially grateful for all the scientists, health care professionals and researchers who, every year, uncover more about the gut, its widening role in our health and how we can best look after it.
Lee says, “2023 has been yet another astounding year for the gut health movement. I’ve learned so much! I’m a voracious reader of gut health research, especially in the field of nutrition. And this year was a bumper for new news on the gut and gut health. We’re onto a good thing when we focus on our digestive system, irrespective of the health condition presented. For me this year it’s been a bit of a rollercoaster. I’m experiencing Long Covid right now and pericarditis, and what has been so helpful for me during this time is keeping my gut in good nick. When my energy is drained,and the chronic fatigue is debilitating, it’s what I put into my tummy and how well it processes it, that helps to recalibrate and replenish me.
And, from me to you, I just want to express how happy it makes me feel that you are part of the Supercharged family. I wish you well this season and for 2023. And, as always, feel free to reach out to me with any nutrition and gut health questions and insights you may have.
My email is Lee@superchargedfood.com and I love to respond to everyone. Much love, Lee”

Food Much
Food is yet another thing we can be thankful for. Delicious, nourishing food, best served with family and friends.
We’re all for some excess, as long as it’s done in moderation, 😀. So indulge over the Break. And here’s some gut-friendly tips to help you make the most of your fun times and keep your gut working efficiently.

Meditate. We can store stress and anxiety in our gut. Release the valve through meditation. Set yourself some time every day over the holidays to sit, empty your mind and just be.
Yep, drink more water! Before, during and after meals. Think of how it helps you feel full and how it helps minimise hangovers. Yay! for water.
Supercharged hint: drop a few drops of Love Your Gut Fulvic Humic into your water and alcoholic drinks. It’s tasteless (in a different way to your uncle’s Xmas jumper) and adds electrolytes which help hydration.
- Add the Love Your Gut Synbiotic to your drinks during the holidays and beyond, it will keep your gut health on track!
- Clean Your Gut - all of our Love Your Gut range will help your gut functionality. When it comes to cleaning your gut the iconic Love Your Gut diatomaceous earth powder or capsules is the pick.
Here’s to a happy, healthy and lovely Xmas, from all of us to all of you!
The Supercharge Your Gut Team xx

Healthy Holiday Hacks
Our free eBook Healthy Holiday Hacks is here.
If there's one good thing you do for your body over the holidays (and we hope there's more than one!) it should be to look after your gut. A clean, toned gut is the way to make more of the holidays - more energy, less bloating; more nutrient absorption, less build-up of waste in your system.
It's hard though to maintain good gut habits over the silly season. That's why Lee Holmes of Supercharged Food, has written a gut guide that's packed with hacks.
Lee makes it easy with real-life tips, real-world information, real food that's really good for your gut. And it really is FREE!
The Healthy Holiday Hacks eBook contains:
- 5 articles written by a nutritionist.
- Loads of tips.
- How Love Your Gut can help during the festive season.
- 11 Supercharged gut-loving recipes
- SOURCE: Supercharged Food
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