Everyone is talking about viruses.
Especially the Corona Virus.
We always have viruses to fight every winter. Why is Corona different?
The Corona virus is prolific – not only super contagious.
It spreads so quickly in your body and especially the lungs - that if unstopped it becomes very dangerous.
Watch this video and see how general viruses take hold. Then imagine a much faster one in Corona.
What are we recommending?
Hygiene: Hydration: Nutrition through Diet and Supplements as an added precaution.
Have a look at Kaloba as a herbal support and for more information for your family ask in store.
As a scientifically proven tincture – Kaloba has been proven to work.
The other way you could support against viruses that are airborne is to use Olbas oil.
I use a drop on my finger to then place under the nose to protect myself.
Olbas Oil Inhalant to the rescue when you’re suffering with ills and chills. Just a few drops on a handkerchief is all it takes to fill a room with powerful Olbas vapours - perfect for night-time relief and sweet dreams. For a really intense Olbas experience, put a few drops of Olbas Oil in a bowl of hot water, lean over it and cover your head with a towel. It’s wonderful support for stubborn blocked noses.
You can find more information on olbas oil on our website.
We also recommend a diffuser for therapeutic essential oils.
These are anti-viral, anti-bacterial.
Imagine those beautiful scents through out your room or on your handkerchief.
Pop in store to smell our traditional thieves oil blend.
So named as thieves used these oils during the time of the plaque to not get ill while robbing homes.
Whilst we do not recommend thievery – we do recommend the oil.
Or find out more information and buy on line
Here is also some more hygiene and face mask information.
The following from Dr Elżbieta Johannsen - Microbiologist.
General precautions:
Generally, implementing simple hygiene measures such as:
- regularly washing your hands with warm water and soap;
- avoiding touching your eyes and nose wherever possible;
- maintaining a “fit and healthy” lifestyle
still remain the best way to avoid catching viruses such as flu viruses.
A few words about facial masks:
It should be noted that paper masks stop only the distribution and inhalation of liquid droplets suspended in the air, that are discharged by the infected people through sneezing and coughing. These droplets may carry the viruses.
The masks DO NOT stop the viruses themselves.
We also have more studies on viruses from Dr Elżbieta Johannsen in store at Naturally Healthy.
You are more than welcome to inquire and peruse these.
And our very well educated team have been trained on the very best of health information through our qualified manufacturers.
Contact us at Naturally Healthy, 715 Grey Street
Or phone 079583845.
E mail monica@naturallyhealthy.co.nz
And watch out for our on going tips on our face book page
Naturally Healthy NZ.
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