Many fruits and vegetables are good for you. We know it. They know it - have you ever looked at the self-satisfied posture of an avocado??!! But still, we don’t eat them as much as we should or could.
For many reasons we lean away from certain foods. Maybe because they’re hard to buy. Or simply not a pleasant taste. They could be difficult to eat. Or perhaps they’re too expensive for our budgets. They can also possibly be out of sight and out of mind in the depths of our pantries, fridges and freezers.
When it comes to a food ingredient called Love Your Gut diatomaceous earth, I’d love to break down the reasons that can sometimes be a barrier and also help you with ways to include this wonder ingredient into your diet.
Looking at our reasons to include this ingredient, the first one is super easy. Diatomaceous earth is good for you. In fact, it’s very good for you. It’s especially good for your gut health as it helps to cleanse and tone your gut environment. This enables your gut to do its thing - process nutrients and hydration, divvying it out to your organs and getting rid of the waste. It helps you to nurture and house a wonderful internal environment where your gut immune system and cells and your microbiota (bacteria in the gut) can live in harmony with one another to keep you healthy and your immune system strong.
Secondly, Love Your Gut diatomaceous earth by Lee Holmes, Clinical Nutritionist from Supercharged Food is super easy to buy. It’s available in over 3,000 health food stores, independents and pharmacies in Australia and online through local distributors in the UK, USA, South Korea and New Zealand.

Next, the taste equation. Diatomaceous earth is almost completely tasteless.There’s also no bitter aftertaste or any aftertaste for that matter.
Most people simply add Love Your Gut powder to a glass of water, drink and get on with their day knowing their gut has had some loving love. Others mix it with juice or in smoothies. (Healthy Hint: mix it in a drink that contains vitamin C like citrus juice to supercharge the iron within our diatomaceous earth).
If you’re looking for other ways to use it daily in your meals or drinks, our FREE ebook - 101 ways by Lee Holmes. It contains, well, 101 ways to use Love Your Gut powder and Love Your Gut Capsules.

Hard to eat? Nope. Not diatomaceous earth! It’s superfine (less than 10 microns for us techy nerds) which means it mixes well in water and drinks easily.
Too $$$$$$? Again, not Love Your Gut powder. We have deliberately kept the price very reasonable, especially in comparison to other health and gut supplements out there, (you know who you are!) We just want the world to know the benefits of diatomaceous earth. At the same time, Supercharged Food diatomaceous earth is the very highest quality. Lee tried and tested diatomaceous earth sources from around the globe. Her Love Your Gut powder is the result.

Love Your Gut diatomaceous earth in 250g, 100g bags and 120 capsules.
That leaves one more point - the outta sight, outta mind reason. Now, this can apply to Love Your Gut diatomaceous earth (and other good-for-you products). A great way to ensure you maintain your gut health is to make Love Your Gut in arms reach and in line-of-sight in busy cupboards.
We suggest transferring some powder from the 250g bag (our most popular product) to smaller containers. Take a container to work for a mid-afternoon dose of gut love. Pop the Love Your Gut capsules in your bag, especially when travelling.
Also, think about how the powder can become a daily habit. Set a reminder on your phone. Have it when you first wake up or before any meal. make it a part of a routine.

Try this Raspberry & Chia Overnight Brekkie Jar
But what on earth is diatomaceous earth (DE)?
DE is a mineral taken straight from underground. It's what's called amorphous silica as it is made up of about 90% silica with the rest being essential minerals like iron, calcium and magnesium.
DE is actually not an earth, but fossilized mineral deposits of microscopic algae created by single one-celled plants called diatoms. Under a microscope, DE looks like a cylinder or a honeycomb full of holes.

Diatomaceous earth under a powerful electron microscope.
There are two-types - freshwater and saltwater. For this article we only refer to the freshwater type as it is the one used by humans.
DE that meets certain criteria is classified as a food by Food Standards Australia New Zealand. Love Your Gut (LYG) powder by Supercharged Food meets these criteria.
- other DE products may not be food-grade and should not be taken. There are different grades of DE. Like salt, there's pool salt which should not be taken all the way to the highest food-grade Celtic sea salt. LYG is the highest grade of DE available.
While DE has been consumed by humans for several decades (though we probably weren't even aware of it), it really started to take off when naturopaths and nutritionists took notice around a decade ago.
In the quest for health solutions through Mother Nature they found diatomaceous earth. It still is highly recommended by naturopaths and nutritionists for gut health, detoxification and removal of built-up waste in the digestive system. It is also recommended for iron deficiency, cholesterol management, hair, skin and nail health and weight control.
DE is a fascinating and effective mineral for people. We'll publish more articles about DE. We're also happy to take your questions.
Love Your Gut powder is Australia’s best selling diatomaceous earth. And now it's available in convenient capsules! Go with your gut!
Available at Naturally Healthy in New Zealand
Source: Lee Holmes. Naturopath and founder of Love Your Gut Products.
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