Hi – Monica here. Naturally Healthy.
Do the most good for you and your body.
Use natural sun screens.
It is important to have a good sunscreen.
So many people burn every day.
An article I found today about sun block being better than just sun umbrellas.
The study, conducted by scientists from pharmaceuticals company Johnson & Johnson, monitored the sun protection of a standard beach umbrella compared with high SPF sunscreen on people who spent 3½ hours on a sunny Texas beach.
Figures showed 78 per cent of participants who were under the shade of a beach umbrella developed sunburn, compared with only 25 per cent of those who used SPF100 sunscreen.
New Zealand has the highest incidence rate of melanoma in the world.
However, Shayne Nahu, of the Cancer Society, recommends taking multiple steps to ensure you are sunsmart, rather than choosing one method over another.
“I don’t know anybody who lies under an umbrella for three hours without going for a swim or a bit of cricket on our great Kiwi beaches,” he said.
“With over 90 per cent of all skin cancer cases in New Zealand attributed to excess sun exposure, we encourage all Kiwis to ‘slip, slop, slap and wrap’.
“There were 489 skin cancer deaths in 2013, more than the road toll each year, so it’s something we should take seriously.”
The study demonstrated that neither method used alone completely prevented sunburn, although SPF100 sunscreen was more effective in the randomised clinical trial.
SPF, or sun protection factor, is a ranking system that shows how much protection is being offered against UV rays.
The American study used only sunscreen that was SPF100, but the Cancer Society has said in the past that the difference between that and SPF30 is only a few percentage points.
“SPF30+ sunscreen is sufficient for sun protection if applied correctly,” Nahu said. “Higher SPF sunscreens are available. However, they still need to be correctly applied and reapplied regularly.”
New Zealand has the highest rate of melanoma in the world, with about 69,000 people getting skin cancer every year. Yet a recent local survey shows fewer than 4 per cent of Kiwis have the recommended annual skin checkups.
* Slip on a long-sleeved, collared shirt and into the shade, like under a tree
* Slop on sunscreen that is at least SPF30+, UVA/UVB broad-spectrum and water resistant
* Slap on a broad-brimmed hat that shades your face, head, neck and ears
* Wrap on close fitting sunglasses
* Don’t use sunbeds
* When the ultraviolet index (UVI) is 3 or above
* From September to April, especially between 10am and 4 pm
* At the beach, as reflections from water and sand can increase UV
* At high altitudes, especially near snow, which strongly reflects UV
– Stuff
Last Updated 19:06, January 20 2017
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