People in Japan drink water immediately after waking up, and this is a popular ritual. Japanese people think that drinking water on an empty stomach is going to help manage and heal epilepsy, asthma, bronchitis, vomiting, diarrhea, kidney and urine diseases, menstrual disorders, diabetes, arthritis, meningitis, heart beating fast, headache, eye diseases and it helps managing a healthy weight.

The majority of people prefer drinking coffee or tea first thing in the morning, and not many like drinking water first thing in the morning. However, drinking water is highly recommended. While you are sleeping, your body is eliminating all the toxins from the body. Your body needs a lot of water to eliminate those toxins, and what is left in the body is not enough. Drinking water first thing in the morning is going to help your kidneys eliminate the toxins from your system.

You Need to Drink More Water Because of This

Drinking water is crucial for alertness and mental clarity. Actually, dehydration is a risk factor for dementia and delirium in the very ill and elderly. Water is also critical for nearly every function in the body. Actually, dehydration becomes deadly in 3 to 4 days.

Claude Piantadosi of Duke University in North Carolina says that a person can go 100 hours without drinking water, but it all depends on the temperature. If the temperature is cooler, one can go a bit longer, and if there is direct exposure to sunlight, then the time is shorter.

Dehydration causes the blood pressure levels to drop to fatal levels, thus causing death. The more you are active, the more water you need, according to Randall Packer from George Washington University. Every time we exhale, we lose water. Also, we lose water when we sweat. Nevertheless, the body produces a bit of water when metabolizing food, but that is not enough.

What is Morning Dehydration?

In case you lose more water than you consume, dehydration occurs. In that case, the body does not have enough water to perform its functions. In case the lost fluids are not replaced, dehydration occurs.

Dehydration Symptoms

  • Swollen tongue and dry mouth
  • Increased thirst
  • Dizziness
  • Weakness
  • Confusion
  • Palpitations
  • Inability to sweat
  • Decreased urine output
  • Sluggishness
  • Fainting

One of the signs that your body is dehydrated is if your urine is bright yellow. In fact, examining your urine during the day is an easy way to tell if you are dehydrated or not.

According to a recent study, not drinking enough water can impair driving in the same way as alcohol does. This should make it clear for you the importance of water.

Drink Water in the Morning in This Way

All you need to do is put a glass on your bedside table before you go to bed. When you get up in the morning, take the glass and fill it with water and drink it.

Experts Are Recommending This

  1. Consume 4 glasses of 160 ml of water immediately after waking up.
  2. Do not eat anything in the next 45 minutes, so that your body can process the water.
  3. Prior to eating a meal, always drink a glass of water.

In case you cannot drink that much water in the morning, you need to start with 1 glass and then increase the amount very slowly. You need to drink from 7 to 9 glasses of water on a daily basis. Additionally, you need to drink more if you do exercise or if the weather is warm.

Don’t forget that the above mentioned steps are guidelines. Always listen to your body.


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