Confusion about Arnica

By Brendon Lye

There is a lot of confusion amoungst our clients and customers about taking Arnica and other Homoeopathic remedies in general. In this article I will endeavour to explain how to use Arnica properly. Arnica is probably best known and most used homoeopathic remedy. Regrettably there is a lot of confusion about this remedy. Even the medical profession is now stating that Arnica is a blood-thinner. This argument is very unscientific.

Following a published article from 1998:

The effect of Arnica Montana

 Bleeding time. Biomedical Therapy 1998, 16: 272-276.

by: L Baillargeon, J Dronin, L Desjardins, D leprous and D Audet.

The purpose of this double-blind, randomised, two cross-over clinical trial was to determine the impact of Arnica Montana in a homoeopathic potency on various blood coagulation tests.

This trial was performed in Canada with the authorisation of the hospital Ethics Committee. Eighteen healthy male volunteers aged 22-46 y were selected and split into two groups. Group A subjects received Arnica at the first study visit. Two weeks later Group A subjects received a placebo. For Group B subjects the procedure was reversed. During the study visits, a haematology technician determined the bleeding time and withdrew blood for the other analyses.

The subjects then took, sublingual, fifteen minutes apart, two doses of Arnica 5C or placebo. The main outcome variable studied was bleeding time. Other dependent variables included platelet count, partial thromboplastin time, thrombin time, prothrombin time, fibrinogen and procoagulant factor aggregation with ADP, epinephrine and collagen.

It was found that Arnica did not influence a number of parameters in blood coagulation in the period following administration to a small number of male subjects. Additionally no clinically significant difference was observed between Arnica and placebo concerning the other tests of blood coagulation.

So what is the problem with taking Arnica before operations or tooth extractions?

Homoeopathy works totally different from taking drugs, supplements or herbs. Homoeopathic remedies do not have to be taken days or weeks before an operation. In homoeopathy this will result in the reversed from what one is trying to achieve. This is why Arnica only taken after (or in birth during) the intervention. Usually for a few days until the initial healing has been initiated. This principle is valid for the administration of any homoeopathic remedy.

For further information about homoeopathy you can contact
Frans van de Weerd, professional homoeopath.
Monica van de Weerd

Naturally Healthy Health Stores – 715 Grey Street Hamilton

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