Well-Being in our new normal.

By Monica van de Weerd
Here we are at Level 3 waiting to hear about Level 2.
For everyone back to work - That is wonderful.
Routine and being busy will help support your well being.
For the rest of us life still revolves around our dining room table for work/study/meetings/computers.
It is vital to take time out (side) to breathe (deeply), exercise, and think positive thoughts.
Positive thoughts can be a favourite song (out loud preferably), talking to a loved one, silence, meditation, yoga, games etc - it is wherever and what ever makes you happy and relaxed.
The more you can be in this zone. The less stress you place on your body in the sad/anxious/frightened zone.
Your body tightens up during negative thoughts - try to distract your mind regularly so your immunity and well being does not decline during this oh so uncertain time.
For those of us still working from home, this could be a time to do a cleanse.
It is easier to do a basic cleanse than you might think.
Cut out the white sugar/white flour/alcohol/fizzy drinks/ refined foods for ten days.
Drink enough water - two litres a day.
If these two steps are a big change for you - then you could expect to see a great result with just these actions.
Some of us need a little  extra support to ensure our digestive system is able to remove toxins.
Two simple nutritious ways to support cleansing and well being.
If you need a Liver Detox  there are plenty to choose from on line
or phone us on 079583845 for extra advice.
What does level 3 mean for us at Naturally Healthy?
We are open on line
FREIGHT FREE  during level 3.
Or pick up at the store after ordering per phone.
Our therapist Frans is available on line for consultations.

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